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(Amost) Daily Reflections with Rev. Melinda Baber
Rev. Melinda (almost) Daily Reflections are available by clicking the button
Sunday Service Archive
Each service is saved to YouTube so you can easily watch them whenever you want by clicking the button
In Person Worship in Our Sanctuary

Ways We Worship
Worship is central for us each week. We gather to remember God’s Big Story and to find ourselves in it. We remember who and whose we are as the Body of Christ, empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit.
Thursday Nights at Phillips UMC
Thursday night Children’s Church
Every Thursday evening from 6:30 – 7:00 pm
Bring your kids or grandkids for a quick taste of church in a small group setting.
Thursday Nite Live!
Every Thursday evening at 7:04 p.m.
Join us for this intimate informal discussion-based worship experience featuring discussion, communion, and contemporary music film clips. This is led by Shelly Bowles. We meet in the Sanctuary or the Prayer Garden on the south side of the church (or via Zoom if the weather or Covid is not cooperating). Contact Shelly for details 303-669-1968