SanctuaryWays We Worship

Worship is central for us each week. We gather to remember God’s Big Story and to find ourselves in it. We remember who and whose we are as the Body of Christ, empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit.


Sunday Morning Traditional Service – 9:00-10:00 am


Thursday Nite Live!

Every Thursday evening at 7:04 p.m.
Join us for this intimate informal discussion-based worship experience featuring discussion, communion, and contemporary music film clips. This is led by lay pastor Shelly Bowles. We meet in the Sanctuary or the Prayer Garden on the south side of the church (or via Zoom if the weather or Covid are not cooperating). Contact Shelly for details 303-669-1968
Upcoming Services  
April 21         Creation Justice Sunday

“In the World, Not Of It”

So, what does the prayer of Jesus mean, to live in the world but not of it? What is the meaning of the text translated as “the world”? If we are not of the world, then what are we of? 

April 28         5th Sunday of Easter

The path of love is not usually the path of least resistance. The paths Jesus took were often wilderness roads. The journeys we take are often “uphill both ways!” Like Phillip and the Ethiopian, our roads are made significant by the Spirit’s leading and the relationships we cultivate that help us love God and each other.. Who was your Phillip? Have you been a Phillip for someone else? Let’s tell our stories!


Links to our previous Services

Watch our recorded online worship videos anytime! 

To see our older videos, click here:

This will open our “Phillips UMC Worship Videos” YouTube Playlist in a new tab.



For more information about what we believe,

Click Here!